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The Tips of transportation when you travel in Korea | BUS

This document is wroten by English beginer who want to be English man.
Therefor,  it maybe has many awkward sentences.
If you can, Please correct me by using comments.

There is many worries when visiting korea.
specially, Many foreigners who plan to visit korea wonder how to use transportation.
I think There are five kind of transportation like taxi, subway, bus and plane.
I summarize how to use transportation and things to watch out.


There are three kinds of bus. The below pictures are them. 
Can you distinguish what it is? I will explan about that.

The first one is city bus, seconds downtown bus and last one is intercity bus.

Let's talk about city bus.(actually city bus and downtow bus are same(how to use and fuction etc...). The diffrence is just looks like)
Almost of city bus has two door like picture. The front door is used when you take bus. The behind door is used when you get off the bus. There are exceptions when the bus is full, you can use the behind door when you take bus.

City bus fares vary by city. Seoul is 1500 won(about 1dollar 13cent), Busan is 1550 won(about 1dollar 16cent).
But!!! you can use more cheeper when use transportation card. If you use transportation, You must buy this card!!! Mandatory, not optional!!!!(It's just my opinion)

transfortation card for foriegner

You can buy this card at any convenience store.
There are many kinds of transportaion cards which are diffrent prices and design.
But They have same function. so if you don't care of design of card, I recommand cheeper one.
It's price is about 4000won(3 dollars).

You don't forget to charge card if you want to use.
You can charge the card in convenienve store. so you will charge as soon as buy the card.
The Charge only able to cash(ready money?). I recommand about 10,000won to charge the card.

When you use transportation card, the bus fare is 1400won(about 1dollar 5cent) in Seoul and 1450won(about 1dollar 9cent) in busan. But!! the power of this card is not just a little discount!!!

if you take the city bus, you can see the machine below picture.
And you can also find the machine in behind door which is used when you got off the bus.

the machine in the city bus of front and back door

You must put your card on the machine when you got off the bus.
The behind door machine is for tranfer.
When you use city bus agin, you can use for free until 30minutes from got off the bus.
It is also able to subway. it is don't care when you transfer bus to bus, bus to subway, subway to bus.
(but when you transfer bus to subway, It costs a small amount of money(about 200won(about 15cent)).

Actually many visitor have difficult of what kind of bus should they use.
I recommand Naver Map app not google map app.
Naver is one of the biggest Software company in Korea. So Naver Map is fit on Korea.
It also service English and other languages.

This app is not only giving you how to go but also giving you information about how much take time. 


It is for to go another city like from seoul to busan.
It is only able to use at intercity bus stop.

You can make reservation at intercity bus stop. but I recommand to use app.
I use below app. but I don't know this app sevice the english or other languages.

But I find the introduce video how to reservate the intercity bus for forigners.

There are premium buses which have bigger seates.
If you want to go other city with lie down, I recommand premium one even though it is expensive.
The fare is too diffrent depending on the city where you go.