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Let's read South Korea Travel Guide written by foreigner.(1)

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And It is for to practice translate english to korean.
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South Korea Budget Travel Guide (Updated 2024)

A comprehensive budget travel guide to South Korea with tips on things to do, costs, ways to save, transportation, accommodation, and more!


Though South Korea is small (about the size of the US state of Indiana), it punches well above its weight in terms of things to see and do.
Boasting a vibrant culture, incredible history, natural beauty, delicious food, and a wild nightlife, it’s home to both major cities and untouched nature, offering something for every traveler.

한국의 땅덩어리가 작음에도 불구하고,  볼거와 할게 많다.
활기찬 문화, 믿을수 없는 역사, 자연미, 맛있는 음식 그리고 야생의(?) 밤문화를 자랑하며 한국은 주요 도시와 훼손되지 않은 자연의 본고자으로 모두에게 무언가를 제공합니다.

Seoul, the capital city and fourth-largest metropolitan area in the world (over half the country’s population of 50 million is concentrated here), is a lively hub for food lovers and partying.
But while it gets all the attention, there is much more to explore, including 22 national parks, lush Jeju Island, and the infamous Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) bordering North Korea.

수도이자 세계에서 4번째로 가장큰 대도시인 서울은 음식 애호가와 파티 애호가들의 사랑 숨쉬는 허브이다.
하지만 서울이 모든 관심을 받는동안, 한국에는 훨씬 더 많이 탐험 할 곳이있다. 22개의 국립 공원과 무성한 제주도, 그리고 북한과 경계인 DMZ.

Best of all, since South Korea is a manageable size, you can see a good portion of it in a limited amount of time.
모든 곳이 좋고, 남한은 크기가 작기때문에, 제한된 시간에 좋은 부분들을 볼 수 있을 것이다.

The transportation here is modern, clean, and efficient, so it’s easy to get around quickly.

교통체계는 혀대적이고 깨끗하고 효율적이다. 그래서 주변을 빠르게 둘러 볼 수 있다.

The country is also a foodie’s paradise, with cheap street food and delicious dishes like bibimbap, kimchi, and the famed Korean barbecue.
한국은 음식의 파라다이스이며 값싼 길거리 음식과 비빔밥, 김치 그리고 유명한 한국 바베큐 같은 맛있는 요리들이 있다.

It’s one of my favorite countries in the world and one that I think is super under the radar and often overlooked by travelers.
한국은 내가 가장 좋아하는 나라 중 하나이고 내 생각엔 한국은 다른사람들이 잘 모르고 여행객들이 간과하는 나라이다.

You never see the tourist crowds found in other Asian countries.
다른 아시아 국가에는 여행객 궁중을 찾을 수 없을 것이다.

This travel guide to South Korea can help you plan your trip, save money, and make the most of your visit.

이 여행 가이드는 여행 계획을 짜는 것을 도울 수 있으며 돈을 아끼고 너의 가장 좋은 여행으로 만들어 줄 것이다.

Top 5 Things to See and Do in South Korea

1. Explore Seoul

역시 서울이네 ...

Korea’s capital has a little bit of everything.
한국의 수도는 모든게 있어요.

It’s a bustling metropolis and global technology hub, with sleek and modern neighborhoods like Gangnam and iconic sights like the Lotte World Tower, the sixth-tallest building in the world.
그것은 시끌벅적한 대도시이고 글로벌 기술의 허브이며 강남과 세계에서 6번째로 높은 롯데타워와 같은 대표 명소가 있는 세련되고 현대적인 동네들이 있어요.

Yet there is a lot of history here too, including many museums, palaces, and temples, among them five UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
하지만 여기에도 많은 역사적 장소가 많습니다. 많은 박물관과 명소 그리고 사찰들이 있습니다. 사찰들 중 5곳은 유니스코 세계 유산 장소로 등재된 곳입니다.

When you’re done exploring for the day, Seoul has a robust street food scene, countless trendy restaurants, and fast-paced, soju-driven nightlife. 
하루동안 여행이 끝날 때, 서울은 강력한 길거리 음식 장소 와 수 많은 트랜디한 레스토라 그리고 빠른 속도로 소주 마시는 밤문화를 가지고 있습니다.

You could easily spend weeks here and never get bored.
몇주는 여기서 놀 수 있으며 절대 지루한 일이 없을 거에요.

2. Tour the DMZ

The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) separates North and South Korea and, despite the name, is the most militarized border in the world.
DMZ(비무장 지대)는 남한과 북한을 나누는있으며 이름과 달리 세계에서 가장 군사적인 지역입니다.

You can only visit the Joint Security Area (JSA), which has military personnel from both sides, on a guided tour, but it’s a unique experience and an important way to learn about this ongoing conflict (the war started in 1950 and has not officially ended).
가이드 투어에서는 오직 양측 군사들이 있는 JSA만 방문 할 수 있다. 하지만 매우 특이한 경험이 될거고 진행되는 남북한 갈등을 배우는 가장 좋은 방법이에요.

On the tour, you’ll be able to actually stand in North Korea, visit the Third Tunnel of Aggression (which North Korea dug to sneak soldiers across the border), see the Freedom Bridge, and catch glimpses of North Korea from the Unification Observatory. 
투어에서, 실제로 북한에 설 수 있고, 3번째 공격 터널( 경계를 몰래 넘기 위해 북한이 판 땅굴)을 방문 할 수 있으며, 자유의 다리를 볼 수 있고 북한을 볼 수 있습니다.

Guided tours of the DMZ start from 80,000 KRW.
DMZ 가이드 투어는 8만원 부터 시작합니다.

3. Visit Jeju Island

This volcanic, semitropical island is a popular domestic vacation spot. It’s accessible via cheap daily flights from Seoul that take just one hour. Known as “the Hawaii of Korea,” it’s a natural paradise, home to the tallest mountain in Korea (Mount Hallasan), lava tubes, beautiful beaches, and countless hiking and walking trails. Other attractions include visiting mythic Jeju Stone Park, wandering the Yeomiji Botanical Gardens, and watching the haenyeo divers — women who dive without any protective equipment to gather underwater treasures like shellfish and seaweed, which they then sell on the beaches. You can visit the Jeju Haenyeo Museum as well to learn more about this cultural practice that dates back centuries.


4. Sing karaoke

Known as noraebang, this is a cultural phenomenon and something worth experiencing at least once while visiting Korea. While the karaoke machine was originally invented in Japan, Koreans have adopted the pastime and made it their own. Here, you rent out a private room with a group of friends (instead of singing in a public bar, as is often the case in Western countries). Pricing is determined by the hour, with rates varying wildly depending on the number of people, time of day, day of the week, and whether snacks and drinks are included. Average group karaoke rates range from 5,000 to 15,000 KRW.

5. Step back in time at a hanok village

These historic Korean villages are composed of hanoks, or traditional Korean houses, some of which date back to the 14th century. There are many such villages all over the country, but the most popular is Jeonju, with its 800+ hanoks, the UNESCO-designated Gyeongju Yangdong, and Bukchon, which lies within the Seoul metropolitan area. While the homes in these villages may be historic and many are still private residences, many others have been transformed into cafés, restaurants, teahouses, galleries, museums, and even accommodations.