어젯밤 기억에 묻어갈 때면
when I was buried by last night memories
어색한 정적에 잠에서 깨고
I wake up from awkward silence
Always I was born again 서랍 속 데미안처럼
Always I was born again like 'Demine' in my drawer
언젠간 비울게 언젠간 비울게
I will empty it one day. I will empty it one day.
오 쳇바퀴에 껴 죽어갈 때면
when I was dying with getting stuck in a wheel
네 색안경 속의 나는 좀비거든
I am zombie in your color glasses.
Always I fall again
Always I fall again.
사람 속 외면도 언젠간 지울게 언젠간 지우겠지
the outside of person will be erased one day. will be erased one day.
사랑하는 법도 살아가는 법도 잊어버린 채로 난 반대로 가
I was going opposite way with forgetting how to love and live.
사람 많은 곳도 사람 없는 곳도 얼어버린 채로 말도 안 되는 밤
It is a ridiculous night with frozen the area where there are many people and where there are no people.
나라 버리고 떠나
I'm leaving my country.
누가 말을 걸어도 말이 안 통하겠어
No matter who talks to me, I won't be able to communicate
근데 여기서도 네모난 버튼 빼면 벙어리 같아
However, It seems like mute here too except for squared button.
그래 비행기를 탈 거야
Yes I will be flying.
나를 버리기 바빠서
I am busy to throw away myself
떠나기 전에 이 말을 전해
Before I left, I talk to you
변해서 미안해 한 번만 안아줘
"I am sorry I changed. Please hug me just one time"
변하기 전에는 왜 하루 종일 너에게 전화를 했던 건지
Why I call you all day before I changed.
어젯밤 기억에 묻어갈 때면
When I am burryed with my last night memories,
어색한 정적에 잠에서 깨고
I wake up because of awkward silence.
Always I was born again 서랍 속 데미안처럼
Always I was born again like 'Demine' in my drawer
언젠간 비울게 언젠간 비울게
I will empty it one day. I will empty it one day.
오 쳇바퀴에 껴 죽어갈 때면
When I am dying with get stuck in wheel,
네 색안경 속의 나는 좀비거든
I am zombie in your color glasses.
Always I fall again
Always I fall again.
사람 속 외면도 언젠간 지우겠지 언젠간 지우겠지
the outside of people will be erased one day.
사람 없는 마을에 잘살아 볼래
I will live in town where no one is lived.
바람 없는 날을 넌 모르지만
You don't know no wind day
향수병을 비우고도 떠오르는 넌
you are float in my mind even if I get over homesick.
널 지우려 뒹굴어 뒹굴어 뒹굴었지
I rolled over to forget you.
날 위해 눈을 감은 순간
the moment closed eyes for me
왠지 우린 디트로이트에 삐뚤어진 꼬마가 채우는 술 같아.
For some reason, we seem to be alchole which are filled in detroit by silly kid
적응이 되지를 않아
I'm not used to it
실수는 늘어가
the mistakes are increasing.
여긴 중독자 마을
here is a addicted downtown
이게 꿈이 깨지를 않아
I can't wake up
실성한 건가
Did I go crazy?
국제전화 걸어줘
Please call international call.
어젯밤 기억에 묻어갈 때면
When I am burryed by last night memories
어색한 정적에 잠에서 깨고
I wake up from awkward silence
Always I was born again 서랍 속 데미안처럼
Always I was born again like "Demian' in my drawer.
언젠간 비울게 언젠간 비울게
I will empty it one day. I will empty it one day.
오 쳇바퀴에 껴 죽어갈 때면 네 색안경 속의 나는 좀비거든
When I am dying with get stuck in wheel, I am zombie in your color glasses.
Always I fall again 사람 속 외면도 언젠간 지울게
Always I fall again. the outside of people will be erased one day
어제같이 울겠지
I will cry like yesterday
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